Paper Submission
What to submit The HIS2016 Proceedings will be published by Springer. Papers should be submitted in LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format (style files are available at LNCS Authors Instructions) as PostScript or PDF files, and may not exceed 12 pages for regular paper, industry papers up to 6 pages. How to submit HIS 2016 is using the EasyChair conference management system. The submission website is at: Please submit your research papers and follow the instructions on the web page. The submission deadline is May 8, 2016. Special issues Selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit extended versions to journals: Health Information Science and Systems, Transactions on Scalable Information Systems Duplicate submissions and novelty requirements A research paper submitted to HIS 2016 cannot be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue; including conferences, workshops, and journals, during the time it is being considered for HIS 2016 conference. Furthermore, after you submit a research paper to HIS 2016, you have to wait for the response from HIS 2016 and only resubmit elsewhere if your paper is rejected--or withdrawn at your request--from HIS 2016. This restriction applies to identical papers as well as to papers with a substantial overlap in scientific content and results. Every research paper submitted to HIS 2016 must present novel research not described in any prior publication. In this context, a prior publication is (a) a paper of four pages or more presented, or accepted for presentation, at a refereed conference or workshop with proceedings; or (b) an article published, or accepted for publication, in a refereed journal. If a HIS 2016 submission has overlap with a prior publication, the submission must cite the prior publication, along with all other relevant published work. Reviewing process Every research paper submitted to HIS 2016 will undergo a peer reviewing process. All accepted papers will be incorporated into the conference program and included in the conference proceedings published by Springer LNCS.
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- WISE 2016
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