Welcome to HIS 2016
The 5th International Conference on Health Information Science (HIS 2016) aims to integrate computer science/information technology with health sciences & services, embracing information science research coupled with topics related to the modeling, design, development, integration, and management of health information systems.
About HIS 2016
The 5th International Conference on Health Information Science (HIS 2016) provides a forum for disseminating and exchanging multidisciplinary research results in computer science/information technology and health science & services. HIS 2016 aims to integrate computer science/information technology with health sciences & services, embracing information science research coupled with topics related to the modelling, design, development, integration, and management of health information systems and health services. It covers all aspects of the health information sciences and the systems that support this health information management and health service delivery.
The main goal of these events is to provide international scientific forums for exchange of new ideas in a number of fields that interact indepth through discussions with their peers from around the world. The scope of the conference includes: (1) medical/health/biomedicine information resources, such as patient medical records, devices and equipments, software and tools to capture, store, retrieve, process, analyze, and optimize the use of information in the health domain, (2) data management, data mining, and knowledge discovery, all of which play a key role in decision making, management of public health, examination of standards, privacy and security issues, (3) computer visualization and artificial intelligence for computer-aided diagnosis, and (4) development of new architectures and applications for health information systems.
Accepted papers will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Call for Industry papers and Short papers ( NEW Call for papers !! )
HIS 2016 Conference Proceedings
You can have free access to the proceedings via this link at Springer before 25/Nov/2016. Note that, free access is via HIS 2016 website only.
HIS 2016 Conference Photos
HISS journal
WWW journal
- WISE 2016
A combined (discounted) registration is available.